Public Art
The Trapper
This painting by Allen True features a man on a horse.
Public Art
The Prospector
This painting by Allen True shows a man panning for gold.
Public Art
Broncho Buster
This bronze by Alexander Phimister Proctor shows a cowboy on a bucking bronco.
Public Art
On The War Trail
The second of two statues commissioned by renowned sculptor Alexander Phimster Proctor, “On The War Trail” was presented to the City by Stephan Knight and dedicated in 1922. The bronze sculpture depicts an American Indian riding bareback on a horse with a spear in his hand. According to the IAS, models for the male figure were …
Public Art
Pinhorn Statue and Fountain
Little angel/cherub holding grapes and a bowl. Had a fountain attached to it originally.
Public Art
Elizabeth Allen Sopris Memorial; Sundial and Flagpole
The Sopris Memorial (a stone seat, a pool, and a small statue of a boy at whose feet is a bronze sundial) was another gift to Denver by S. T. Sopris in memory of his mother Elizabeth Ellen Sopris, in 1925. The memorial is just west of the pavilion, although the pool began to leak …
Public Art
This sculpture by Joseph Nicolosi is of an eagle that sits atop the City and County Building.
Public Art
Old City Hall Bell
This sculpture by Carol Candelaria is of the old city hall bell.
Public Art
Norgren Fountain (seal fountain)
This bronze sculpture by Louis Paul Jonas is a fountain featuring two seals.
Public Art
Anemotive Tower #6
“Anemotive Tower” is a free standing kinetic powder coated polychrome sculpture that is located at Speer Blvd. and Wewatta Street.