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Roger Kotoske's Untitled
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Roger Kotoske's Untitled
Take Me There Maybe Later
  • Title

    F.R.E.S.H. (Friends Respecting Everyone’s Success through Hip-Hop)

  • Artist

    Robert Franklin

  • Location

    Rishel Middle School

  • Neighborhood


  • Year


  • Artwork Type

    Mural Paintings

  • Material

    sharpies, aerosol paint, paint markers, canvas, wood, particle board, music/video/photograph materials

What People Are Saying

  • 8 people say Photogenic

  • 5 people say Hidden Gem

  • 3 people say Interactive

  • 2 people say Family Friendly

  • 2 people say Love it

  • 2 people say Thought Provoking


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F.R.E.S.H. (Friends Respecting Everyone’s Success through Hip-Hop)
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About This Piece

F.R.E.S.H. (Friends Respecting Everyone’s Success through Hip-Hop) created this mural in Rishel Middle School neighborhood, working with students from Rishel Middle School, Valverde Elementary and Kipp High School.

Through the graffiti/aerosol art element section of the curriculum, the F.R.E.S.H. program also provided participants, family members and community members opportunities to learn about an expressive art, how it affects the community, and how the larger world is affected by the interpretation of graffiti as an art and as a crime.

Beyond the invaluable lecturing and anecdotal conversations that occurred between staff and participants, the participants had many opportunities to create, improve and cultivate and exhibit their artistic abilities.