Public Art

Color Wind

Public Art

Fire House

Public Art

Indeterminate Line

In the context of Venet’s sculptural work on the theme of “the line,” the “Indeterminate Line” is of central importance. Up to 1979, Venet’s activity was based on principles which accorded considerable importance to the presentation of “mathematical objects” such as arcs, angles and straight lines.  Their measurements in degrees were written directly on the works. …

Public Art

Model State: A Local Cosmology

There are three wall mounted constructions that make up “Model State: A Local Cosmology.” They each measure 16’x24’x8’, with some dimensions varying. The materials used are polyester resin and fiberglass coating over hand-modeled and cast forms, in addition to fiberglass tubing and metal brackets. All elements are painted entirely in flat black.  All three pieces are located in the same …

Public Art

Aqua Portal

“Aqua Portal” is a free-standing gateway consisting of two monumental blocks of limestone, each measuring 10’high, 5’wide 3’thick. The sculpture shows a male and female figure swimming upward. The sculpture represents the uplifting and positive rewards of physical fitness through swimming. The proportions of the male and female figures are designed to show health and …

Public Art

Swimming Under the Trees Autumn Leaves

“Swimming Under the Tree” and “Autumn Leaves” echoes the atmosphere of the recreation center and creates an interaction of shape, color and light. The contemporary sculpture medium of cold casting glass is an innovative approach to public art material. The color elements in the artwork create unique visual movements that uplift the spirit and draw on …

Public Art

Stone Garden

The artist’s concept for “Stone Garden” was to create a “room” that is inviting and comfortable.  The work consists of twelve granite, oval-shaped seating stones; each two feet high and of various diameters.  The stones will be set in casual groupings, welcoming conventioneers to sit and talk with each other at lunch and between events. “The curved …

Public Art

The Denver

Public Art

Meeting of Minds

“Meeting of Minds” is made up of two heroically-sized steel heads symbolizing two different ways of thinking. The upright head looks out to the adjacent North Denver neighborhood. The second head appears to be partially buried. This work was commissioned by the City of Denver in 2004 and symbolizes the diversity of North Denver and …

Public Art

Good Fortune is Here to Stay

Pages 9 - 26