Public Art

Cares For Her Brothers

This bronze sculpture by Veryl Goodnight features a figure holding a deer.

Public Art

Calculated Risk

Public Art


Public Art

The Gorilla

Public Art

Colorado Icons

Public Art

Colorado Vacationland

Public Art

Chaffee Park Flowers

Public Art

Parked Perspectives

Park Perspectives consists of two installations. The first is a set of four pieces at the East side of Congress on the West side of Congress Park Playground. Both pieces have a bronze inscription. One is over-sized, the other is miniature, on a child’s scale. This setting of functional seating suggests the diversity of people using …

Public Art


Public Art

Ode to the West Wind

“Ode to the West Wind” is located on the mezzanine level of the Buell Theatre and is a series of seven ceramic tile panels on a 150′ curved wall. Air, changing light, clouds, and plant forms appear and reappear throughout the mural. The Wild Iris, native to Colorado, is a recurrent motif. 

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