Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (blue stylized graffiti-style artwork on two columns)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  These columns by Robin Munro (a.k.a. Dread) were part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (yellow hands on fields of lime green, purple and fuchsia)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This column was part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (concrete columns – pink faces, blue and green candle, bunny with ice cream cone)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  These columns were part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG. These two concrete columns showcase pink abstract faces, a bunny holding an ice cream cone and a large blue and lime green birthday candle.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (monkey atop a column, reminiscent of King Kong on the Empire States Building)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This mural was part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (colorful mural featuring various whimsical characters and forms)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This "free wall" was a community mural painted by various youth and community members as part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (woman’s back in black and white, on column)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This mural was part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

The Motherboard

Several female artists worked together to create their version of a motherboard. Orbs contain patterns that represent different cultures, symbolizing our connection to each other and the importance of being connected. Artist's Statement: On one occasion while painting, a construction worker working nearby stopped and asked if each individual circle we painted represented our different …

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (two murals – black and white locomotive engine, boy holding a boom box)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  These murals were part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (abstract multi-colored mural on navy blue field)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This mural was part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

Urban Arts Fund

Untitled (hammock filled with gold suspended between two trees)

*Artwork No Longer on View*  This mural was part of ‘Duct-Work 2, a project coordinated by CIG.

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