Public Art
History and Tradition
“History and Tradition” celebrates the contributions of Denver Firefighters. This terra-cotta mural was researched and developed through many visits to the Denver Firefighters Museum (1326 Tremont Pl.). Figures Left to Right Chief George Duggan became one of the first Denver Fire Department chiefs, making the way from the volunteer fire department to the paid firemen …
Public Art
The Stream Rises Above the Fountain
The artwork is installed on the south wall of the Montbello Recreation Center. The work is 32 feet tall, 60 feet wide. The two dimensional aluminum and ceramic fountain symbolizes the positive and healing forces at work in the community. There are eight giant brightly glazed figures (seven animals and one human) tumbling around in the …
Public Art
Atmosphere No. 43
Public Art
Public Art
We Belong
Andrea Moore was the “Artist-in-Residence” for the Bridge Project at La Alma Neighborhood House. Over a four-week period, she worked directly with students after school and on weekends, leading poetry workshops to generate content for a permanent WORD ART installation.
Public Art
Public Art
Allies in Life
Carved from a solid block of limestone, the work utilizes negative space to convey its message. The limestone block is divided into two pieces signifying the fact that Karmiel Park is part of Denver’s Sister City program. The twin blocks represents “sisters” that, together, form a graphic of life.
Public Art
Beyond the Sky of Memories
Beyond the Sky of Memories is an 8 by 4 feet sculpture installed in the two-story atrium of the Elbra M. Wedgeworth Municipal building (Denver Motor Vehicle building). The artwork consists of five layers of steel and plexiglass cascading into the space. With this piece, Aell wanted to create a mood describing the vividly changing …
Public Art
A Mindful Bridge
With two hundred and ninety six (296), eight inch discs, and a little over a quarter of the discs hosting quotes on the experience of walking, the experience of cycling, and the experience of being mindful of ones surroundings, A Mindful Bridge celebrates the pedestrian and the cyclist and is meant to send messages of …
Public Art
First Rose
A freestanding bench and windscreen with four images each representing qualities of Mamie Eisenhower (first lady) who grew up in Denver after the age of seven: a lady’s fan, a landscape with water activity, a five pointed star, and a heart of roses.