Public Art

Ode to the West Wind

“Ode to the West Wind” is located on the mezzanine level of the Buell Theatre and is a series of seven ceramic tile panels on a 150′ curved wall. Air, changing light, clouds, and plant forms appear and reappear throughout the mural. The Wild Iris, native to Colorado, is a recurrent motif. 

Public Art

Taking the Heat

A life-size firefighter standing proudly with one of the Fire Department’s trusted comrades “Chief” the firehouse dog. He is in uniform shirt, bunker pants with suspenders and department issue boots. The firefighter’s leg is resting on a fire hose while holding his helmet in one hand and his turnout coat in the other. “Chief”  is …

Public Art

Union Spire

Union Spire is composed of two spires, commissioned separately. The bottom 13-foot spire is composed of 12-1/2 8-sided blocks. Each side is painted with yellow and black diagonal stripes. The top 9-foot spire is composed of a red painted metal that looks like a Slinky. This is encased by 1-inch wide thin pieces of metal …

Public Art

Tail Spin

The sculpture Tail Spin was created and reinstalled at the new Colorado Convention Center. Tail Spin is a free hanging suspended steel and fiberglass structure located on the northeast side of the Colorado Convention Center’s entrance. The mild steel sculpture was welded and fabricated as five individual units, with fiberglass sails/ or shovel forms. The surface …

Public Art


The work consists of life-size animal sculptures which the artist creates using explosives. Dentongraphy, a process which Rosenberg innovated, uses various metals such as copper, brass, stainless steel and black anodized aluminum. The metals are exploded into molds in the desert and later refined and treated by the artist at her studio. 

Public Art

20th Century Perspectives: Beginning a Century

Two painted wood relief murals measure 14 feet by 7 feet and 8 inches each and face each other at opposite sides of the Rotunda. They depict an abstracted view of Denver’s landmarks and symbols during the twentieth century. On the north wall “Beginning a Century” shows Denver with a low horizon, many churches, and …

Public Art

Drums of Peace and Dignity

Public Art


Public Art

Experimental Aviation

In “Experimental Aviation,” 140 airplanes suspended from the ceiling greet travelers as they arrive in Jeppesen Terminal from the train platform. The planes, reminiscent of playful, brightly colored paper airplanes, direct people up the escalators and out into the open space of the terminal’s Great Hall.  This exhibit is being moved to temporary storage due to …

Public Art

Notre Denver

Notre Denver features two cast bronze gargoyles, with one located on the east side and the other on the west side of the baggage-claim areas. The gargoyles, roughly the size of a fifth-grade boy, are seated inside suitcases. Historically, gargoyles were placed on buildings to protect the site. These are placed slightly above the travelers’ …

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