June 17, 2023 at 10:30 am
About This Tour
Denver Arts & Venues has designed this tour to give children and their families an opportunity to experience, learn and think about Denver Public Art! The tour will feature three art pieces that prominently feature horses, but in very different artistic styles. After we visit the artworks, the group will head to the McNichols Civic Center building for some educational activities around the artworks. These activities aligned with Colorado Department of Education (CDE) content standards.
The tour will meet at “The Yearling” just north of Denver Public Library Central Branch near 14th Avenue and will be led by Amber Fochi, Denver Arts & Venues marketing and communications manager.
$5 per person. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. One adult chaperone is requested to attend per every three children. No cost for children 10 and under.
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For Spanish and other Interpretation Services: Amber.Fochi@denvergov.org
For Sign Language Interpreter or Cart Services: deafhhservices@denvergov.org
For Other Disability Accommodations: disabilityaccess@denvergov.org