Public Art


Public Art


This installation is composed of 19 earthcast vessels on their sides, which are adjacent to circulation nodes between the bridges at East 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard. These vessels demonstrate the delicate balance between human interaction and nature. Each of the five nodes features a different grouping of vessels in arrangements that relate to …

Public Art

Untitled (yellow bench)

This sculpture by Anthony Magar is yellow and white and looks like an abstract bench shape

Public Art


CURRENT 3 by Virginia Folkestad is a site-specific, interactive light installation, which is part of a public/private collaboration between Denver Office of Cultural Affairs and LoDo Neighborhood Asssociation called LoDo Lights, created to celebrate and honor Denver’s 150th birthday.  Manny’s Bridge, site of CURRENT 3, the first LoDo Lights installation, was rebuilt twice as a railroad …

Public Art

Garden Stories

Lars Stanley writes  “In the garden, we bear delighted witness to life cycles.  From seed to sprout, from blossom to fruit and again to seed, the vegetables we thought we knew from brightly lit grocery bins reveal their complexity:  the spike of an okra pod, the delicate bloom of a squash plant, the spiraling geometry of …

Public Art

Leaves of Grass

Artist Tyler Aiello’s “Leaves of Grass” consists of a group of sculptures, inspired by the blades of prairie grasses and yucca leaves native to Red Rocks Park. The three oversized “blades” are fabricated from discs of durable, hand-forged, stamped steel.  The discs are welded together and molded into the blade shapes, then wire-brushed and powder-coated …

Public Art


In addition to being a symbol of warmth and comfort, the Tulga sculpture represents the spirit of the home. The three rings represent the sun, the moon, and the stars. The top of the four legs are sculpted to imitate a bird’s head, birds which protect the fire. The base mount of the sculpture incorporates …

Public Art

Avian Front

“Avian Front”, by Patrick Marold, is located on the southwestern boundary of the Denver Zoo and is visible from City Park. This work was commissioned to establish a creative boundary between City Park and the Denver Zoo’s Avian Propagation Center, an innovative breeding and conservation facility for endangered birds that opened in 2008. Inspired by …

Public Art

Trade Deficit

Public Art

(Imaginary) Space/Time Tunnels

The location of the work near the entrance is intended to operate as a sign signifying the activity and energy that is generated by the users of the center. The elements of the sculpture are arranged like a whirlwind around a center vortex of energy. Wave-like elements and curvelinear ribbons suggest patterns of motion.

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