Public Art

Ancient Colorado; Triceratops Swamp

Public Art

Ancient Colorado; After Armageddon

Public Art

Ancient Colorado; Rainforest Eruption

Public Art

Ancient Colorado; Redwood and Roses

Public Art

Ancient Colorado; Ghost Predator

Public Art

Civic Center Floating Island

Public Art

La Veleta / The Weathervane

“La Veleta” is a playful depiction of seven animal faces composed of colorful mosaic tiles stacked forty feet high, much like a totem pole. The seven animals; a bear, a lynx, a fox, a mountain lion, an owl, a ram and a snake, symbolize the diverse ecosystems found in Colorado as well as the diversity …

Public Art

La Alma

“The symbolism in this mural reflects the soul of the Westside community. The sun radiates behind the silhouetted city, while an eagle embraces two female faces, one representing the moon and the other, earth. A contemporary figure portrays the strength of our youth, on his shirt, the Mestizo symbolizes the mixture of Spanish, Indian and …

Public Art

Maria Mosina and Igor Vassine

Public Art


Until 2003, Denver’s various City departments were spread around the City at various locations. This meant doing business with the City was a multi-stop experience.   With this in mind the City selected a location for the new Wellington E. Webb Municipal Office Building adjacent to Civic Center Park. The park was chosen for its …

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