Public Art

Homage To The Pioneer

Public Art

I Have a Dream

Each tier of the pedestal features a different theme surrounding the struggle for freedom and civil rights. The Bottom Tier The front bottom tier features a tribute to Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize, which he won in 1964. The side panels on the bottom tier feature depictions of the struggle of African Americans from 1619-1960. …

Public Art

Park and Garden Benches

Cast reinforced concrete benches containing impressions of leaves and figurative elements of hands and legs cast from community members. *One Element of Artwork Currently Not on View for Restoration*

Public Art

Untitled (Interior Garden)

Concourse C of the Denver International Airport was re-imagined as a garden oasis within the steel and concrete cathedral-like core of the building. The garden encompasses the entire circulation space where passengers enter and exit the airport train connecting the concourse to the main airport terminal. On the lower level, adjacent to the trains, is …

Public Art

Argento Piattino con Pesci

Public Art

Bridge of Recycling Fountains

This artwork accentuates the visibility of the Wastewater Management Facility from the interstate. While the artist considered the idea of wastewater management, the idea of recycling or reclamation of water emerged. The design utilizes a series of recycling fountains, one feeding into the next, symbolizing the transference of water from one place to the next …

Public Art

Common Ground

Public Art

Hope Trellis

Public Art

O’ Truth of the Earth

The Hyatt Regency Denver is adorned with a poem by John Ruskin, “O Truth of Earth,” using stainless steel set into the black granite of the perimeter of the building. The piece was installed during construction of the hotel in 2005. The poem reads: Mountains are the bones of the earth, their highest peaks are …

Public Art

Avian Front

“Avian Front”, by Patrick Marold, is located on the southwestern boundary of the Denver Zoo and is visible from City Park. This work was commissioned to establish a creative boundary between City Park and the Denver Zoo’s Avian Propagation Center, an innovative breeding and conservation facility for endangered birds that opened in 2008. Inspired by …

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