Public Art
Sun Signal and Sun Flag
Public Art
A Different Sense of Time
This is a video presentation of the art program at DEN. It’s a documentary about all of the artists that were commissioned to create artwork at Denver International Airport before it was opened.
Public Art
Tribute to Bill Smith
This bronze sculpture honors the memory and work of William “Bill” Smith, who was the Manager of Public Works for the City and County of Denver during the time that the airport was being built. Born in Telephone, Texas, Bill Smith was a civil engineering graduate of the University of Colorado, and spent 28 years in the Denver …
Public Art
America, Why I Love Her
Located on Level 5 of Denver International Airport, “America, Why I Love Her” was inspired by family road trips from the artist’s childhood. While traveling around the United States, Gary Sweeney was struck by the beauty and grandeur of the land, as well as the truly bizarre monuments and roadside attractions that dot the American landscape. …
Public Art
Train Call
Train Call is a 20-second audio segment comprised of various voice messages and musical elements. It can be heard by while traveling from the concourses of Denver International Airport to Jeppesen Terminal. Train Call will remain in its original form besides the “Mayor’s Message” that will change.
Public Art
Deep Time/Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey
“Deep Time / Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey” is a mile-long light and sculpture installation sited in the inbound train tunnel. The work is inspired by Colorado’s industrial and social history and transforms the tunnel with images drawn from related environments including a mineshaft, a cave and deep space. Train riders experience animated sculptural forms …
Public Art
Untitled (Interior Garden)
Concourse C of the Denver International Airport was re-imagined as a garden oasis within the steel and concrete cathedral-like core of the building. The garden encompasses the entire circulation space where passengers enter and exit the airport train connecting the concourse to the main airport terminal. On the lower level, adjacent to the trains, is …
Public Art
Experimental Aviation
In “Experimental Aviation,” 140 airplanes suspended from the ceiling greet travelers as they arrive in Jeppesen Terminal from the train platform. The planes, reminiscent of playful, brightly colored paper airplanes, direct people up the escalators and out into the open space of the terminal’s Great Hall. This exhibit is being moved to temporary storage due to …
Public Art
Notre Denver
Notre Denver features two cast bronze gargoyles, with one located on the east side and the other on the west side of the baggage-claim areas. The gargoyles, roughly the size of a fifth-grade boy, are seated inside suitcases. Historically, gargoyles were placed on buildings to protect the site. These are placed slightly above the travelers’ …
Public Art
Kinetic Light Air Curtain
“Kinetic Air Light Curtain” consists of a grouping of 5,280 propellers laid out on a grid system that changes configurations as the train passes. The propellers are made of reflective stainless steel and are 12-inches in diameter. The work, which includes blue fluorescent lighting, encompasses the entire mile of the train tunnel journey. The propellers …