Public Art
America, Why I Love Her
Located on Level 5 of Denver International Airport, “America, Why I Love Her” was inspired by family road trips from the artist’s childhood. While traveling around the United States, Gary Sweeney was struck by the beauty and grandeur of the land, as well as the truly bizarre monuments and roadside attractions that dot the American landscape. …
Public Art
Deep Time/Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey
“Deep Time / Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey” is a mile-long light and sculpture installation sited in the inbound train tunnel. The work is inspired by Colorado’s industrial and social history and transforms the tunnel with images drawn from related environments including a mineshaft, a cave and deep space. Train riders experience animated sculptural forms …
Public Art
Spirit of The People
“Spirit of the People: A Native American Exhibition” tells the story of Native Americans in the Colorado region through paintings, photographs and narratives. The exhibition begins in international arrivals with 53 pieces of artwork depicting life in Colorado approximately 7,000 to 10,000 years ago and continues with the Anasazi people who lived in Colorado 1,000 …