Public Art
The east wall of the jury assembly room is a colored glass image of light bursting from behind dramatic storm clouds seen through a layer of over 13,500 glass tubes that “push” like a cloud through the metal frame of the wall in low relief. Each tube catches the bits of color of the pixelated …
Public Art
Public Art
Public Art
Mine Craft
Mine Craft is the result of studying of the iconic imagery associated with Colorado. Inspiration was drawn from the geography, industry and global presence of the state, and explored a variety of methods to represent these abstracted elements through the application of the current advancements in fabrication technology. The geography and landscape of Colorado is …
Public Art
Public Art
“Creekfront” is a series of terracotta plaques, featuring the Creekfront logo, which are placed in pillars and bollards along the Cherry Creek Trail at Creekfront Park.
Public Art
Three Wild Spaces, 2 of 3
The project is a series of three contemplative spaces, one in Cook Park, one in Bible Park and one adjacent to the Iliff Dentention. All of these spaces are focused and located on Goldsmith Gulch. These places will be islands of wild in the urban park fabric.
Public Art
Cloud Formations and its Weather Cycles
Colorful abstract imagery representing a cloud formation and weather cycles was included as part of a waterslide at La Alma Pool.
Public Art
America, Why I Love Her
Located on Level 5 of Denver International Airport, “America, Why I Love Her” was inspired by family road trips from the artist’s childhood. While traveling around the United States, Gary Sweeney was struck by the beauty and grandeur of the land, as well as the truly bizarre monuments and roadside attractions that dot the American landscape. …
Public Art
Deep Time/Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey
“Deep Time / Deep Space, A Subterranean Journey” is a mile-long light and sculpture installation sited in the inbound train tunnel. The work is inspired by Colorado’s industrial and social history and transforms the tunnel with images drawn from related environments including a mineshaft, a cave and deep space. Train riders experience animated sculptural forms …