DeWitt Godfrey
39th Ave and Steele St
Corten Steel
What People Are Saying
8 people say Thought Provoking
6 people say Photogenic
4 people say Family Friendly
1 people say Interactive
1 people say Love it
About This Piece
The large-scale, site-specific, public sculptures emphasize relational existence of forms within contexts of material, process, public space, and collaboration. The work is grounded in responding to the environment of the physical site, the abstract geometry of the natural world, and community engagement. Combining cutting edge digital design with custom craftsmanship, DeWitt Godfrey’s process of packing and stacking conical steel forms, like other kinds of stacking and arranging – from beehives, to soap bubbles, to dry-stack stonewalls – gives rise to extraordinary beauty and complexity. “Eastgate” marks a departure and expansion of this methodology: rather than relying on discrete conical elements, the artist created an extruded ribbon-like structure that loops on itself, creating an organic truss-like structure. C-Channels were added to achieve the stiffness and structural performance required to span 39th Avenue and also add a new dimension of texture and shadow. Materially, the rich patina of the Corten steel ties “Eastgate” to the industrial and rail history of its location. “Eastgate” provides both a literal and metaphorical portal, an invitation to playful exchange, discovery and inquiry.