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Roger Kotoske's Untitled
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Roger Kotoske's Untitled
Take Me There Maybe Later
  • Title

    Garden Stories

  • Artist

    Lars Stanley

  • Location

    Greenway Park, Community Garden

  • Neighborhood

    Central Park

  • Year


  • Artwork Type

    Public Sculpture

  • Material

    painted steel

What People Are Saying

  • 10 people say Thought Provoking

  • 6 people say Photogenic

  • 1 people say Interactive


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Garden Stories
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About This Piece

Artist Statement:
Lars Stanley writes, “In the garden, we bear delighted witness to life cycles. From seed to sprout, from blossom to fruit and again to seed, the vegetables we thought we knew from brightly lit grocery bins reveal their complexity: the spike of an okra pod, the delicate bloom of a squash plant, the spiraling geometry of cabbage leaves. In the blacksmith’s shop, we guide the transformation of raw material into artifact. The form emerges and with it, a story. Outside the garden, a path begins to emerge, following the flow past the site. The flow pauses and eddies, drawing the activity of the surrounding area and the curiosity of passersby into a place of exchange. Along the path, forged steel story poles announce the garden and reference the cycles at work within…”