About This Activity
We have created a series of activities around artworks in the Denver Public Art collection. These activities are designed to meet curriculum standards for grades kindergarten through six, but we encourage people of all ages to use these worksheets to learn more about two of Denver’s iconic sculptures, both featuring horses and located about a block from each other in the Golden Triangle neighborhood: “The Yearling” and “Broncho Buster.”
The Yearling – Who, What, When, Where? grades K-6
The Yearling – Build a Connection, grades K-2
The Yearling – Build a Connection, grades 3-6
The Yearling coloring sheet, all ages
Broncho Buster – Who, What, When, Where? grades K-6
Broncho Buster – Build a Connection, grades K-2
Broncho Buster – Build a Connection, grades 3-6
Broncho Buster coloring sheet, all ages
Horses, a Comparison of Two Sculptures, grades 3-6