Connecting Points: Deep Time
Andrew Dufford
Red Rocks Park
Artwork Type
Public Sculpture
black granite, ashlar stone
What People Are Saying
9 people say Hidden Gem
9 people say Photogenic
6 people say Family Friendly
5 people say Interactive
2 people say Love it
2 people say Thought Provoking
About This Piece
This art bench highlights the great unconformity and adds a third in the form of masonry that mimics the great work done by the Civilian Conservation Corps crews during the construction of the amphitheater. A large Precambrian boulder transitions into fountain formation stone, but in between those two formations, a recess of honed black granite creates the void of time. Fast-forward and the end of the bench is hand crafted ashlar stone. This art bench is located on the steps between the upper north lot and the top circle lot.